Move Along

Move along like I know you would; move along:


Just reviewed an EP launch for a local electro-pop/R&B band, and wanted to include this bit of personal note, but decided otherwise: make do with shorter haircuts, I insist. I am a bit of a traditional kind. Me very unprofessional, right? Luckily I took it off. Pffft me.

Some Shameless Pluggin’

I know, I know, this blog is probably as good as dead now, with pretty much everything delayed here and there. But I do still want to be a geek and update it once in a while – a cool geek. Nonetheless, I will still do what’s called my utmost, and let time and fate … Continue reading

What For?

It seems like for old friends, catching up usually requires a little bit of gossip. On a recent happening, it occurred once again, like any other time before; but this time, I had confessed that recently, I had the intentions in removing the people that are no longer important in my life, or are no … Continue reading

Brokeback Mountain, 2005

Can anyone believe it had been five years since this movie; or that sadly, it had been two years since the world was deprived of one of its most talented actors? Usually I talk music here; it had been what my life had been lyingly built on (though I am not any good musician – … Continue reading